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All Ability refers to coaches and athletes who compete with physical and/or intellectual disabilities. “All ability” means the inclusion of all categories within the disability community, and it emphasizes the biblical message of in God we are all able.
Every Ability
Montana FCA
Billings, MT hosted an All-Ability Camp to create an environment where all athletes can have fun and hear the good news of Jesus. A mother of an athlete who attended shared this :
"(In other camp environments) My mama bear would always come out because he never fully participated like the "normal" kids and I would always worry that someone was going to judge him. But this camp changed everything, I had such happy tears on Friday night watching him do his thing and see that all the other kiddos were doing the same thing.
There is just something so magical to watch him participate where other kids were on his same ability level. I wish camp could have been longer."
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